Rose Oil and Intuitive Rocks

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In addition to the psychic reading and house clearing services I offer at Mass Soul in Windsor, CO, I also provide you with healing rose oil made by myself. This product was created while in chemo therapy, the bone crushing pain was unbelievable. I was divinely led to create this rose oil. After I applied it, the pain began to diminsh. The true high vibration from how this rose oil was created, was for a higher purpose. It is not an essential oil. Moreover, when used topically, rose oil helps heal wounds and benefits your skin. Additionally, this magical product relieves stress, fights anxiety, and relaxes your body and mind. Rose oil is connected to sensations of love and desire. This unique product is available here, Mass Soul.

  • spiritual guidance, intuitive rocks

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My Intuitive Rocks

At Mass Soul, I also offer you intuitive rocks, such as Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, and Amethyst.

These will crystals will boost your intuition and enhance your psychic abilities.

Clear Quartz is pure ice white used for cutting through the noise.

Rose Quartz, romance, and love, can help you to learn to love your inner voice.

Amethyst, which looks like luminous lavenders and purple highs, is used for crown chakra connections.

Mass Soul has a range of intuitive rocks available, each one with unique healing features.

My unique rose oil collection at Mass Soul in Windsor, CO.

Order your intuitive rock of choice today from Mass Soul!

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